The China Investor: Getting Rich with the Next Superpower артикул 9943b.
The China Investor: Getting Rich with the Next Superpower артикул 9943b.

Here’s an essential bit of reading for anyone interested in China and the tremendous opportunities that it will bring the early investor Cesar Bacani has done a massive amount of research on the topic and has saved me countless hours of study Definitely worth ready — Anric Blatt, Regional Director (Asia) Forsyth Partners A Shrewdly observed одисм and practical guide to the realities of investing in the Chinese equity market It should be compulsory reading for all thoseplanning to invest in what could ultimately become one of the world’s largest stock markets — Peter Temple, author of Magic Numbers and Hedge Funds: Courtesans of Capitalism For anyone who wants to invest in the China market, and tap its tremendous growth potential, this book provides an excellent introduction The author successfully combines the discussion of a technical subject with personal insights as well as interesting, sometimes amusing, anecdotes that make for a very good read — Winston Koh, Associate Professor of Economics, Singapore Management University Finally, a book that pulls all the information together to start building a portfolio for the next big investment – China —Paul Leo, Managing Editor, Chartpoint.  Роза Венделла,ISBN 0470820926.